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Jamie's Farm October 2024

Posted on: Oct 9

Mr Price and Ms Marcano had the pleasure of visiting Jamie's Farm in Wiltshire with 12 students last week. Jamies Farm is a charity dedicated to helping young people thrive through a combination of practical farming work, healthy living, experiencing the great outdoors and establishing a legacy well beyond the visit.


We all had a wonderful 5 days taking part in a wide range of activities including taking care of the many animals on the farm such as cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, goats and horses. Milking Angie the cow every morning proved to be a particular highlight with nearly all the students having a go and learning exactly where their milk comes from. The children were pecked by chickens, nibbled by goats, nudged by horses and followed by the naughty geese but after some initial concern all the children got used to it and threw themselves into the activities with gusto. 


One of the other highlights was the cooking. The children got most of the ingredients from the farm garden, then were fully involved in preparing and cooking the food for the three meals in the day. Lots of chopping, cooking and baking and most importantly delicious food was enjoyed by all. My personal highlight was the home made pizzas cooked in a pizza oven. 


It was a pleasure to see the children really develop and show great qualities throughout the week and both myself and Ms Marcano were impressed with their resilience and enthusiasm. Well done everyone and hope to be back at the farm again next year.