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Ground Breaking Ceremony Marks New Chapter for Northolt High School
Posted on: Jul 23Northolt High School celebrated a significant milestone on Thursday 18th July, with a Ground breaking Ceremony to commemorate the beginning of construction of their new state-of-the-art building. This symbolic event brought together select students, staff and Governors, The Mayor of Ealing - Councillor Yvonne Johnson, the Kier Construction team and the Department for Education to mark the start of an exciting new chapter for the school.
This major project will create an 11-19 school for 900 pupils (+ 200 in the Sixth Form) and includes:
Approximately 8400m² of teaching and study areas, dining and assembly halls, and support spaces
A new 30-place Specialist Resource Provision (SRP) funded by Ealing to support students with social communication and/or language difficulties including autism
New and enhanced hard & soft landscaping and 3-court multi-games area
An ultra-modern cinema.
The additional compelling news is that the school will be one of the first next generation Net Zero Carbon in Operation schools. The completion of the project is scheduled for the academic year 2025/26 when the school will be launched as Islip Manor High School.
Headteacher, Marion Budd commented: “The ceremony is a key milestone following the completion of the demolition of our old building, which serves as the foundation for our new one, ensuring that students, families and staff, both past and new, remain a part of the school's ongoing journey.”
The collaborative efforts of a fantastic team and all stakeholders have been instrumental in reaching this stage. The construction process will provide students with valuable insights into various careers in engineering and construction, offering them a unique learning experience about what it takes to build a new school. It is also a significant initiative within the local community, generating 15 T Level placements and involving small businesses in the borough as much as possible.
Mike Hulme, Chair of Governors expressed his enthusiasm, stating: "Our young people deserve a state-of-the-art school. I am fascinated and thrilled by this process and look forward to the end result."
The Mayor of Ealing, Councillor Yvonne Johnson, added: "It is a pleasure to hand over this plaque to mark this special day after years in the planning."
This new development promises to bring numerous benefits to the local community, enhancing educational opportunities and transforming the lives of the young people who are educated here. Northolt High School is excited to embark on this journey and looks forward to the positive impact the new building will have on current and future students.