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Sixth form results day 2022
Posted on: Aug 18In recent years, we have formed partnerships with two organisations as part of our sixth form offer. This means that today was a first for us as we were celebrating results of our BTEC Sports students who are studying with the Queens Park Rangers’ College Academy Programme at Rectory Park, and also our Future Stars students, who have been following an elite athlete programme incorporating training in Basketball and Volleyball alongside their academic studies. All of our vocational courses performed very well indeed. We will be updating you with further news about students’ destinations as our young basketballers and volleyballers are now awaiting confirmation of their scholarship offers from universities in America once their UK grades have been validated. Watch this space!
Our STEM specialist A Level and Applied Science BTEC offer also produced some great results and we’re proud to share some individual stories below.
Although the headline news was about a decline in the number of A* and A grades, Aurelia Brzezowska impressed us all with an A* in Computer Science A Level and two grade As in Mathematics and Physics. Aurelia is progressing to Staffordshire University to study Computer Science. She thanked all of her teachers for “supporting us through extremely tough times”.
Raheem celebrated being able to progress to a degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Nottingham, with two grade As in Maths and Physics and a grade B in Chemistry A Levels. He thanked “all the teachers and my family who have been really supportive”. All the best for next year, Raheem!
Ritika Chopra was one of eight students achieving the top Distinction Star grades in Applied Science Level 3 BTEC. She achieved a fantastic D*D*D and is progressing to Reading University to study Law. Ritika’s advice to next year’s Year 13 students was that ‘if you work hard throughout, you can achieve the grades’. Well done, Ritika - your hard work paid off!
Another Applied Science BTEC star student was Hussain Jabbar, who will be heading off to Reading University to study Pharmacology next month. He said “I want to thank my teachers because my GCSEs were not the best, but despite this my school accepted me and placed their trust in me”. Hussain certainly proved himself during his sixth form studies and we’re all very proud of his success.
Congratulations are also due to Shay O’Connor, who was one of our first cohort of students to take Business Studies A Level at Northolt High School. Shay achieved a grade A - well done! With grade Bs in Computer Science and Physics under his belt, Shay will be taking a gap year next year to complete an additional A Level in Maths before progressing to university to study a degree in Physics.
Teachers at Petts Hill Primary School will be very proud to hear that their former student Layla Janus-Mitchell is progressing to study Education at University College London with the aim of becoming a primary school teacher. Layla is another one of our top achieving Distinction Star Applied Science BTEC students. We’re all sure that she will be an amazing teacher!
These are just a few snapshots - we’re really proud of all of our students, who have continued to work diligently throughout all of the disruptions of the last two years. We wish them all the very best and hope to keep in touch to track their progress in years to come.