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Promoting Sustainable Travel with Fare City
Posted on: Apr 19At Northolt High School, we’re committed to promoting sustainable travel as a positive choice for our students and staff. Our Travel Plan highlights the need to reduce the numbers of staff members who drive to school and to increase the walking and cycling journeys made by our students.
We are lucky to work in collaboration with Fare City, an award winning community interest company which advocates for a more accessible, equitable and sustainable approach to city-wide transport. Fare City has linked with our school on a number of projects. You can hear Charles Critchell, Fare City’s founder, talk about his work and our collaboration in an interview with the University of Westminster in this podcast. Charles promotes the idea that instead of categorising young people as being ‘future’ citizens, we should engage them as active city dwellers now so that they can engage fully with how their sustainable choices can impact positively on their cities and the world.
In January 2020, Fare City visited our school to lead a Key Stage 3 assembly. The focus was to encourage students to recognise themselves as active participants in their city and to reflect on how their choice of travel plays a big role in this. In particular, students focused on the unexpected closure of Hammersmith Bridge and the consequences of this being made pedestrian only.
In December 2020, Fare City delivered a live webinar to our Year 13 students on the topic of why young Londoners should make more sustainable travel choices. Students took part in a detailed survey on this topic with the results analysed by Fare City. The survey can be seen here and you can read an article in “City Monitor” about the survey here.