What is the overall aim of what we are learning in Physical Education?
To instill a passion to develop movements and skills in a variety of sports and a desire to understand how sport and exercise impacts on the human body.
What are students learning in Year 7, 8 & 9?
Throughout the key stage, students develop hand and foot/eye coordination, effective spacial awareness of attacking and defending and the ability to outwit opponents in a variety of sports. They also learn how exercise impacts on the body systems.
Why are they learning these things?
Through sport, students get the opportunity to develop perseverance, resilience and team working skills as well to challenge themselves personally and physically.
In Years 10 and 11, students develop theoretical knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin physical performance. They learn how the physiological and psychological state affects performance, the contribution that physical activity and sport have on health, fitness and well-being and the key socio-cultural influences on sport and physical activity.
Why are they learning these things?
To develop a love for physical activity / sport and a desire to ask questions about how the human body works, including how you can improve human performance. It is important for them to be able to experience how the body responds to exercise in the short term, e.g. heart rate, breathing rate, body temperature and muscle fatigue and to understanding the long term adaptations to exercise which lead to an improvement in health, e.g. increased bone density, increased strength of heart and skeletal muscle.
How can I find out more about what students are learning?
Schemes of Learning
Over the course of this academic year, we will be sharing links to our schemes of learning. You can click on these links to see more about what your child is studying.
GCSE Exam Board
See the exam board specification below for a full outline of how the course is structured.
The name and email address of the subject leader can be found below. Please feel free to contact them if you have any further questions or would like to learn more about the curriculum students are following.
Subject Leader & email
Mr K Gadd kgadd@northolthigh.org.uk
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